Welcoming Change… Edinburgh City!

So it’s been quite a long time since my last post. I have been through a lot of changes in life since then. And it took me a while to sink in all of the amazing things around me. So to start with I am finally in EDINBURGH…Woohhoooo!! This place is beyond beautiful.. Especially me coming in from a Middle Eastern Desert life I can go on and on about how overwhelmingly scenic the country side is. My photo gallery was overloaded with more than 1500 pictures just in the first 10 days. I have no complaints from this change I totally lovvee it! Yet just 2% unhappy with ‘the weather’ here. Its soo unpredictable really, like 4 seasons in a day! When I am in I see a tiny bit of sunshine and when I go out, it’s raining! Okay so I come back and get my antique umbrella (that I bought 100 years ago but thanks to Dubai’s forever summer climate never got a chance to use it, hence the antique tag) and guess what? Its sunny again.. I am just like okay wait what?! And how can I not mention the cold here. It basically freezes my face and I just have no connection between what I am talking and my facial expressions! But when I see that rainbow right above me, I would blindly agree to all the terms and conditions of surviving the Scottish weather.

This is my first time staying alone without my family or anyone that I know. But happy I managed to make a few friends. They are not as fun as I thought yet they indirectly made me realize and change a lot of things in my carefree rather careless life. And that’s what an MBA feels like, if you’re not organized you lose out. I am so lucky and thankful to have the sweetest, most caring parents ever who take part in my many adventures always. My friends back in Dubai and my bff/co-blogger/soulsista, my life would be so boring without them. Living alone gives you a chance to appreciate the many things you take easy in life, the people, their care, the ‘pet’ and 90% the food! I am really glad this happened in my life, a lot of things have changed for me and I am so so thankful. Just finished my exam yesterday and it wasn’t as easy but there is a lot more to be happy about than the results worry. I feel the best thing that can happen to anyone is the chance to live alone all by yourself in a completely unknown but a beautiful country and just explore the place, the people, the culture, their way of life and most importantly yourself. You finally will be able to weight all that exposure you had learned all your life. #bestdaysever

Guess this will be a pretty emotional yet from the heart post of the love I have for this place and the people in my life. I am off to do my laundry now ha! I will have some chosen beautiful pictures up on the blog for you all to checkout or rather picturize my awe for Edinburgh!



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